
Events by Month

Upcoming Events

November 02, 2007


Come On Out & Play Darts This Winter
Join our casual dart League
When: Friday Nights @ 7 PM
Starting Friday, Nov. 2nd
Where: The General Wolfe Hotel

Join a team or make your own.
(no talent neccessary)
Let me know if you are interested.
Pat []

November 11, 2007

Remembrance Day 2007


Remembrance Day Observances
will be held at the
Wolfe Island Town Square on
Sunday, November 11th

Of special interest will be the presentation of the George “Bruno” Spoor framed medals and photos to the Township by President of the Wolfe Island Historical Society Brian Johnson.
Please arrive by 10:45 a.m.
For those coming from Kingston, Please Note that the ferry now lands at the winter dock at Dawson Point.

November 12, 2007

Frontenac Islands Council

The Frontenac Island Council meeting
for the month of November will be held
Monday Nov. 12th at 6:30 p.m.
at the Wolfe Island Town Hall

November 13, 2007

Take note of 4 Wolfe Island Events on Nov. 17th

1. It is not too late. Free Bus Tour to see wind towers
in Lowville N.Y. Check Notice. Call Sarah at 613 385-1562

2. Turkey Supper, St. Margaret's Hall. Doors open at 4 p.m.

3. Sponsored by the W.I. Historical Society is:
“Where are you?” updating the island's 1937 landholders map.
All Islanders, old and new are asked to take a look at the 1037 landholder indexes, available for viewing on the ferry bulletin board, at the post office, Fargo's and at the Town Hall and identify to whom You are related.
All are then invited to come out to the WI Community Hall the evening
( from 5 pm.) of Nov. 17th (after Turkey supper perhaps) and indicate on a blank map just where their land lies, and to whom You are related. Family names now lost to the island will also be highlighted.
As John O'Shea's quotes, “Oh what a web we weave when we first set out to conceive.”
Arthur Keyes, Sherman Niles and Wayne Grant will offer some insights into the island's Catholic, Anglican and United cemeteries.

Door Prizes include:
$40. gift certificate for Le Chien Noir;
$25 gift certifiacte at the Atomica,

4. Celebrating the Island Grill's 4th Anniversary.
Live music starts at 9:00 pm with Emily Fennell and Friends.

November 17, 2007

Turkey Supper


Trinity Anglican holds
their annual Turkey Supper
at St. Margaret’s Hall on Wolfe Island
Sat. Nov. 17th

Doors open 4:30 pm.
Take-outs available

Details for Bus Tour to Lowville, N.Y. Nov. 17th


Wolfe Island Residents for the Environment (WIRE) invites
interested residents, businesses and organizations in Kingston and Wolfe Island, to join them on a free Bus Tour (which includes lunch) on:
Saturday, November 17, 2007
to visit the Maple Ridge Wind Farm in Lowville, NY.
The Bus will leave the KINGSTON FERRY DOCK at 12:30 pm
returning for 7 p.m. ferry to Wolfe Island

The Bus Tour would be of particular interest to those who have not seen a Wind Turbine
If you would like to join the tour, please call to reserve a seat by calling Sarah McDermott at 613 385-1562, as soon as possible.

DATE: Saturday, Nov. 17, 2007
Time: 12:30 p.m.
COST: FREE -First come, first served
LUNCH: Provided free of charge.
Return to Wolfe Island: 7 p.m. ferry

November 18, 2007

Take Notice of Completion of Wolfe Island Wind Power Environmental Review Report

(“CREC”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Canadian Hydro Developers, Inc., is proposing to develop a wind plant on Wolfe Island, in the Township of Frontenac Islands, near Kingston, Ontario. Canadian Renewable Energy Corporation CREC retained Stantec Consulting Ltd. (“Stantec”) to complete the Environmental Screening Process (“ESP”) for the Wolfe Island Wind Project which will consist of 86 wind turbines strategically placed throughout the western portion of the Island, and will have a nameplate capacity of 197.8 megawatts. Key ancillary features on Wolfe Island and the City of Kingston include access roads, transformer station, pad mounted transformers, operations and maintenance building, interconnection at Hydro One’s Gardiners Transformer Station, and collector and transmission power lines.

In compliance with Ontario Regulation 116/01 the Final Environmental Review Report (“ERR”) must be made available for a minimum 30 calendar day review period. The ERR is being made available for review and comment from 19 November 2007 to 19 December 2007. The ERR may be viewed on the Project’s website:

Hard copies of the ERR may also be found during this review period at the following public locations:
Township of Frontenac Islands Offices on Wolfe Island & Howe Island
Kingston Frontenac Public Library Wolfe Island & Howe Island Branches
City of Kingston, City Hall, Clerk’s Office, 216 Ontario Street, Kingston
Kingston Frontenac Public Library: Central Branch, 130 Johnston Street;
Isabel Turner Branch, 935 Gardiners Road, Kingston
Village of Cape Vincent Municipal Office,127 E. Joseph Street, Cape Vincent, NY
Ontario Ministry of the Environmen offices: 2 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 12A, Toronto & 1259 Gardiners Road, Kingston.

CREC must receive all comments regarding the Wolfe Island Wind Project and/or ERR no later than 4:30pm on 19 December 2007. All comments and correspondence should be directed to:
Mr. Robert Miller
Canadian Renewable Energy Corporation
c/o Stantec Consulting Limited
361 Southgate Drive
Guelph, Ontario
N1G 3M5

In accordance with the Ministry of the Environment’s Guide to Environmental Assessment Requirements for Electricity Projects, March 2001, stakeholders must first attempt to resolve any outstanding issues with CREC during the 30 calendar day review period. In the event that issues cannot be resolved with CREC during the review period, the concerned party may make a written request to the Director of the MOE’s Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch at the address noted below, to elevate the project to an Individual Environmental Assessment. A copy of the elevation request must also be sent to CREC at the address noted above.
Director of Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch
Ministry of the Environment
2 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 12A
Toronto, Ontario
M4V 1L5

Elevation requests must be made in accordance with the provisions set out in the EA Guide and be received by the MOE’s Director of Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch and CREC no later than 4:30pm on 19 December 2007. A copy of the EA Guide is available on their website at:

November 19, 2007

Bald Eagle Talk on Wolfe Island

Bald Eagle
Monitoring & Stewardship
in the Thousand Islands


The Friends of Big Sandy Bay,
The Frontenac Stewardship Council and
The Ministry of Natural Resources
invite you to a talk

Monday November 19, 2007
Refreshments and Displays at 6:30 pm
Program at 7:00 pm

Wolfe Island United Church Hall
Victoria St., Marysville, Wolfe Island

(The ferry is landing at Dawson’s Point)

Speaker: Bud Andress
Sr. Park Warden, St. Lawrence Islands National Park.

Bud Andress has worked for Parks Canada for over 36 years and is
Canadian Co-chair for the St. Lawrence Bald Eagle Working Group
and Vice President of Save-The-River. He has co-authored papers on ospreys, common terns and bald eagles. He has a long-time family connection to the St. Lawrence. His Grandfather and Great grandfather, Ray and George Andress are known for their St. Lawrence skiff building and duck decoys.

Everyone welcome! Join us for interesting evening!

November 20, 2007

WIBTA November Meeting

The November meeting of the
Wolfe Island Business & Tourism Association (WIBTA)
will be held on
Tuesday, November 20th at 7 p.m.
at the Wolfe Island United Church Hall

Guest speaker: David Kennedy, a Kingston resident with an interest in setting up a community television station on Wolfe Island, a ferry cam / electronic bulletin board combination and undertaking the CRTC licence application process. The management/ownership of the station would be by Wolfe Islanders.

We encourage all members and friends to attend.

November 24, 2007

Wolfe Island Free Flu Shot Clinic

KFL&A Public Health is holding a
Free Flu Shot Clinic for residents of all ages.
Saturday, November 24th
9:30 to 11:30 at the
Wolfe Island Medical
Protect yourself and those around you-get your flu shot!
If you are in need of a ride to the clinic, Call: Millie at 613-385-2461

Snow Flake Fling

Dance away those winter blah's.
DJ, Bar, Dance, Casino tables & light snacks on Wolfe Island
St. Margaret's Hall
Sat. Nov. 24, 2007 at 7pm.
Admission: $10.00
A community event.
All proceeds directed to offset expenses not covered by OHIP, but required in the fight against childhood cancer.
Mackynzie Foundation Taxi Service $5- $15. 613- 453-1479
Coming from Kingston? Please note ferry now lands at the winter dock.

November 25, 2007


A Wolfe Island
Business & Tourism Association sponsored
Arts and Crafts Sale


will be held from 9:30 - 3:00 pm
Sunday, November 25th
at the Wolfe Island Community Hall

To book a table please contact: Pat 613- 385 1585 - Linda 613- 385 1947. (for non-profit groups, no charge)

November 28, 2007

The History of Medecine

The Wolfe Island Historical Society presents
The History of Medecine
with Guest Speaker: Marjory Bousfield
7:30 pm
Nov. 28, 2007
at the Wolfe Island Town Hall in Marysville

November 30, 2007

Art in the Heart of Wolfe Island Nov. 30- Dec.1st presents
Art in the Heart of Wolfe Island
Canadian Landscape oil paintings

Kathy Donaldson,
Botanically inspired copper fountains

And Bruce Mellon with his popular metal sculptures
& limited edition steel jewellery

Opening Reception: Friday, Nov. 30th 6:30 pm -10 pm
Saturday, Dec. 1st 10 am-6 pm
Wolfe Island Town Hall in Marysville

From the winter dock turn right onto Rd.96 into Marysville